How To Save Money in 2024: 15 Best Ways To Save More (And Spend Less) (2024)

How To Save Money in 2024: 15 Best Ways To Save More (And Spend Less) (1)

Ridofranz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Saving money is something everyone knows they should be doing, but getting started can be taxing so it never hurts to use some money-saving tips. It can seem like you need to readjust your long-term financial goals because you don’t feel like you have any extra funds to store away. You don’t need to start eight extra side hustles to save lots of money, you may just need to tweak a few spending habits to watch your bank account balance grow.

How To Save Money: 15 Easy Ways

Whether you think you don’t have any money to save, you don’t know where to start or you’ve convinced yourself you’re simply not a saver, think again. There are always opportunities to move money from your checking account to your high-yield savings account. Here are 15 to consider:

  1. Make a grocery list and stick to it
  2. Eat at home to avoid restaurant spending
  3. Buy store brands
  4. Find ways to cut unnecessary spending
  5. Transfer credit card balances
  6. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store
  7. Follow the 30-day rule
  8. Refinance your mortgage
  9. Use a budgeting app
  10. Cut utility expenses and energy consumption
  11. Automate your savings
  12. Build a budget and break it into percentages
  13. Audit your expenses
  14. Pay down your debt
  15. Set savings goals

1. Make a Grocery List and Stick to It

Americans throw away about 80 million tons of food per year, totaling a whopping $444 billion. If you constantly throw away food, you’re throwing money in the trash. One way to curb this waste is to create a grocery list, and a meal plan and stick to your shopping list to avoid throwing your food and money away.

Start by planning your meals for the week or your entire pay period and make sure to pack your lunches for work. Once you have your meals planned, make a shopping list that includes all of your ingredients. Doing so will help you make sure you don’t buy too much, but you have what you need for the meals you intend to cook.

Make Your Money Work for You

2. Eat at Home To Avoid Restaurant Spending

It is common knowledge that eating out can be more expensive than cooking at home. Making more of an effort to eat at home is an easy way to add some savings to your bank account. Cutting back on restaurant spending can go a long way to pad your monthly budget, leaving you wiggle room to put those extra funds away for a rainy day.

3. Buy Store Brands

Store brands may not have the most appealing labels, but the products are similar to — if not exactly the same as — popular brands. For example, you’ll find that off-brand medications have the same active ingredients as on-brand medications. Switching to the store brand for medications and other products can add some change to your piggy bank.

4. Find Ways To Cut Unnecessary Spending

The average person pays about $74 per month for cable services. If you got the basic packages at Hulu, Netflix, Disney Plus and HBO Max, you’d pay a total of $33 per month. Switching to those streaming services instead is a savings of $41 per month. What other unnecessary spending could you cut out of your budget and turn into savings?

5. Transfer Credit Card Balances

High-interest debt from credit cards gets expensive quickly, but if you have good credit, you don’t have to pay interest at those high rates. Consider signing up for a zero-interest balance transfer credit card. This could save you on interest expenses for up to 21 months, saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars in the process.

Make Your Money Work for You

Once your credit card debt is more under control you can focus on better options for your charging habits. Look into cash-back or rewards credit cards to get more for your buck.

6. Shop the Outsides of the Store

Have you ever noticed that the items on the outside edge of the grocery store are fresh? These are fresh meats, veggies and all other ingredients you need to make great meals at home. This is where you should shop. Not only can avoiding pre-packaged meals help you on your journey to learn how to save money, but it could also have a positive impact on your health.

7. Follow the 30-Day Rule

Have you ever wondered, “What is the 30-day rule?” This rule was designed to help you and others avoid costly impulse buys.

The rule is simple, when you see something new you want, wait 30 days to buy it. If you still want it after 30 days, go for it. It will likely surprise you how many items you’ll forgo if you give yourself 30 days to think about them.

8. Refinance Your Mortgage

Do you have a high mortgage payment? You may have purchased your home at a time when interest rates were high. Even if you didn’t, your beginning balance is a determining factor in your mortgage payment amount. Refinancing may result in a lower interest rate, and if you’ve paid off a significant portion of your home, you may end up with lower payments even if your interest rate doesn’t fall.

9. Use a Budgeting App

Let’s face it: some people just haven’t learned how to budget, and that’s OK. Budgeting isn’t something they teach in grade school. If you have a hard time finding money for savings, consider using a budgeting app like Goodbudget or EveryDollar to take control of your money.

10. Cut Utility Expenses

The simple act of turning off your lights when you’re not using them can add meaningful dollars to your savings over the course of a year. You could add to this savings by turning your thermostat up or down one degree depending on the weather outside or turning it off completely when you’re at work. These are just a couple of ways to save money. You can find tons of other ways to save on your utility expenses when you think outside of the box.

11. Automate Your Savings

Transferring money out of your paycheck automatically makes it easier to not spend it. You can allocate your funds to go directly into designated savings accounts to build your base or help you reach your savings goals. Here are a few tips:

  • Start a separate savings account to directly deposit a percentage of your paycheck automatically so it’s out of sight, out of mind.
  • Where you save your money matters so try and find a high-interest savings account, CD or money market account to get a better interest rate.
  • Direct deposit for your paycheck is convenient but you can split up where those deposits go. For example, put some into an account specifically for necessities like rent, electricity or utility bills, car insurance or phone bills.
  • Your bill paying can also be automated which helps keep your necessary spending accounted for and your discretionary spending in check.

Make Your Money Work for You

12. Follow the 50/30/20 Rule

Wondering what the 50/30/20 rule is and if it can work for you? The premise is simple. Use 50% of your income for necessities, 30% for wants and 20% for savings. Although you may need to make some lifestyle changes to stick to this, it’s well worth the effort in the long run.

13. Audit Your Expenses

One way to lower your expenses and cut back on your spending habits is to take true stock of what you spend each month. This helps to see where you have room to edit. A great place to start is unused subscriptions that you pay for monthly automatically. Another place to cut back would be gym memberships you don’t use or apps you pay for on your phone without realizing it.

14. Pay Down Your Debt

It may seem obvious but paying off your debt, whether it is student loans or credit cards, is one of the best ways to help your money start going in the right direction again. Not only can paying your bills on time and in full lower the interest rates you pay but it can also help improve your credit score. This can lead to better rates and savings on future loans.

15. Set Savings Goals

Staying motivated to save more and spend less can come down just to the accountability of setting goals so you can achieve them. Setting savings goals is not too dissimilar from building a budget — you simply outline where you’d like your finances to go and then what steps you need to take to get there. Here are some examples of goals you can work towards:

  • Start an emergency fund where you have three to six months of expenses covered in case something unexpected happens.
  • Putting away enough money for a down payment on big purchases like cars or houses.
  • Adding to retirement savings and retirement accounts to help build a more secure future for you and your family.

Make Your Money Work for You

Final Take To GO

The bottom line is simple. Learning how to save money may be challenging at first, but once you get the hang of it, the savings you’ll build are rewarding. Try your hand at some of these ways to save and watch your bank account grow.


Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about saving money.

  • How can I save $1,000 fast?
    • Here are some of the best ways to save $1,000 fast:
      • Make a grocery list and stick to it
      • Eat at home to avoid restaurant spending
      • Buy store brands
      • Find ways to cut unnecessary spending
      • Transfer credit card balances
      • Shop the perimeter of the grocery store
      • Follow the 30-day rule
      • Refinance your mortgage
      • Use a budgeting app
      • Cut utility expenses and energy consumption
      • Automate your savings
      • Build a budget and break it into percentages
      • Audit your expenses
      • Pay down your debt
      • Set savings goals
  • What is the 30-day rule to save money?
    • The 30-day rule is when you see something new you want you wait 30 days to buy it. If you still want it after 30 days, you should make the purchase but the impulse may have passed. It's a good way to distinguish between what you truly want to buy and what is a passing temptation.

Vance Cariagaand Joshua Rodriguez contributed to the reporting for this article.

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How To Save Money in 2024: 15 Best Ways To Save More (And Spend Less) (2024)


How do I save money in 2024? ›

If you're struggling to get a better handle on your household finances, here are six ideas to help you save money in 2024:
  1. Shop around for car insurance. ...
  2. Consolidate high-interest debt. ...
  3. Use a monthly budget. ...
  4. Focus on small changes. ...
  5. Get credit help from a professional. ...
  6. Earn better rates on your savings.
Feb 1, 2024

How to cut costs, pay down debt, and save more money in 2024? ›

These simple power-ups can take your budgeting and saving habits to the next level.
  1. Pay down high-interest debt. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Max out your employer's 401(k) match. ...
  4. Try a savings challenge. ...
  5. Delete that automatic billing info. ...
  6. Plan for upcoming expenses. ...
  7. Find a side hustle.

How to save $5000 in 3 months? ›

How to Save $5000 in 3 Months [2024]
  1. Create a Budget and Plan.
  2. Pick up a Side Hustle.
  3. Sell Things Around Your Home.
  4. Refinance Debts.
  5. Cut Unnecessary Expenses.
  6. Reduce Living Expenses.
  7. Try an Envelope Savings Challenge.
  8. Use Cash Back Apps.
May 3, 2024

How to spend less money and save more? ›

These five steps can help you save more and work toward your bigger financial goals.
  1. Step 1: Map your income and spending patterns. ...
  2. Step 2: Budget for “essentials” and cut back on “extras” List. ...
  3. Step 3: Enroll in Direct Deposit and turn on activity alerts. ...
  4. Step 4: Automate with Bill Pay and never miss a payment.

How to afford living in 2024? ›

A household with two adults and two children would need a combined income of around $235,000 to live without financial worries. The disparity in the cost of family life is particularly pronounced in certain cities. A family of four, two adults and children, need to make more than $300,000 to live comfortably.

How to save $1000000 in 15 years? ›

$1 Million the Easy Way

Putting aside someone's $40,000 in take-home pay every year—and earning that 10% return as described above—will get you to millionaire status in about 15 years. Halve those savings and you're still only looking at 20 years. It will take more work for sure, but it's a lot faster than 51.

How to get rid of $30,000 in debt? ›

Get in touch with a debt relief service

And, debt relief services typically help you in one of two ways: debt consolidation or debt forgiveness. If you choose a debt consolidation or debt management program, experts will typically try to negotiate your interest rates and payment terms with your lenders on your behalf.

How to pay off all debt at once? ›

Debt consolidation allows you to combine several high interest debts into one new loan, ideally with a lower interest rate. This new loan is then used to pay off all your debts, and you only have to make one monthly payment. Many debt consolidation lenders offer to pay your creditors directly.

How to get rid of $100,000 in debt? ›

Here, experts share their best tips on how to eliminate $100,000 of debt.
  1. Recognize You Have a Big Problem on Your Hands. ...
  2. Make a Plan. ...
  3. List Out All Your Debts. ...
  4. Create a Hard Budget. ...
  5. Focus On Paying Off Debts With the Highest Interest Rates First. ...
  6. Don't Skimp On an Emergency Fund. ...
  7. Get a Personal Loan To Consolidate Debt.
Feb 15, 2024

How to save $100 in 30 days? ›

The goal of the Challenge is simple: save $100 in a 30-day time period through a series of gradually increasing deposits. November has 30 days so every day is a savings day. As shown in the picture below, daily savings deposits start at $1 a day for five days followed by $2, $3, and $4 each for five days.

How much to save 10k in 3 months? ›

For example, if you aim to save $10,000 in three months, you can divide it into monthly targets of $3,333. Breaking down your goal into smaller milestones not only makes it more manageable but also allows you to track your progress more effectively.

What is a 52 week challenge? ›

The 52-week money challenge involves saving an increasing amount of money each week for one year. The challenge can be adjusted to fit personal financial circ*mstances and goals. Opening a high-yield savings account and utilizing automated savings features can help make the challenge more manageable and successful.

How to aggressively save money? ›

How to Save Money: 23 Tips
  1. Make a budget.
  2. Say goodbye to debt.
  3. Set a savings goal.
  4. Save money automatically.
  5. Buy generic.
  6. Meal plan.
  7. Cancel some subscriptions and memberships.
  8. Adjust your tax withholdings.
Apr 5, 2024

How do I force myself to spend less money? ›

How to Stop Spending Money
  1. Know what you're spending money on. ...
  2. Make your budget work for you. ...
  3. Shop with a goal in mind. ...
  4. Stop spending money at restaurants. ...
  5. Resist sales. ...
  6. Swear off debt. ...
  7. Delay gratification. ...
  8. Challenge yourself to reach your new goals.
Apr 5, 2024

How to become financially stable in 2024? ›

5 Tips to Become Financially Independent in 2024
  1. Understand Your Situation.
  2. Live Below Your Means.
  3. Reduce High-Interest Debt.
  4. Improve Your Credit Score.
  5. Invest in Your Future.
Feb 6, 2024

What are the financial predictions for 2024? ›

We foresee both headline and core inflation falling to around 3% year over year by the end of 2024, down from 3.4% and 3.9% on a “trimmed mean” basis, respectively, in February. We expect inflation to fall to the midpoint of the RBA's 2%–3% target range in 2025.

How to be debt free in 2024? ›

This article outlines 10 powerful strategies to help you systematically pay down what you owe and break the cycle of debt for good.
  1. Step 1: Create a Budget and Spend Tracking Plan. ...
  2. Step 2: Use the Debt Snowball or Avalanche Method. ...
  3. Step 3: Increase Income with a Side Gig or Freelancing.
Mar 27, 2024

How to budget in 2024? ›

How to create a smarter budget for 2024
  1. Set aside money for savings each month. One key to creating a successful budget is thinking both short- and long-term. ...
  2. Autopay your credit cards. Using credit cards can be a good idea in certain cases. ...
  3. Cut subscriptions. ...
  4. Track your spending.
Dec 28, 2023

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.